
160 Results for "prosthe*"

  • A Better Sheet

  • A new and improved spreadsheet is now sorted by project, instead of by contest, making it easier to sort and analyze (no more double entries!) Get the spreadsheet, it looks much better. Download the new one here. It has presorted sheets for most Skulls,...
  • Design Phase

  • I am currently working on the design of each of the parts making up the InoDex Prosthetic Hand, As I complete each part I will be posting an image of the part. I am designing InoDex using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015 CAD software, which is great...
  • Talks

  • NameTitleShanni R. PrutchiConstruction of an Entangled Photon Source for Experimenting with Quantum TechnologiesMinas LiarokapisOpenBionics: Revolutionizing Prosthetics with Open-Source DisseminationFran BlancheFun and Relevance of Antiquated TechnologyDanielle...
  • Talks at SuperCon

  • Link to workshop descriptionsNameTitleShanni R. Prutchi Construction of an Entangled Photon Source for Experimenting with Quantum TechnologiesMinas LiarokapisOpenBionics: Revolutionizing Prosthetics with Open-Source DisseminationFran BlancheFun and Relevance...
  • A long way off

  • I am not focusing on this right now as all the technologies needed for a legit prosthetic hand are still being developed by me, I will be aiming at finishing this for the assistive technology portion of the 2016 HAD prize. I have most of the CAD work...
  • Development of the Dextra control GUI

  • Although this project focuses on its application as a prosthetic hand, Dextra is, after all, a robotic hand. By this I mean that it has no elements that make it specifically a prosthesis, so it can be used for other purposes. Especially, due to its open-source...
  • Control board prototype

  • This is the first prototype of the Dextra control board, which I've been testing today and works like a charm. Until now I have been working with all the components placed on a breadboard. The mess of wires was horrible, so I designed this very simple...