
48 Results for "ros"

  • ROS

  • ROS (Robot Operation System) is a framework that facilitates the use of a wide variety of "packages" to control a robot. It acts as a middleware. Although ROS is not an operating system. ROS provides low-level device control, implementation of commonly-used...
  • Interfacing with ROS

  • To interface the sensors with ROS, the easiest way is to follow the instructions in the GIT repository under the running-with-hardware section.
  • ROS + Arduino communication

  • We know that the Raspberry Pi is the most important part of our robot. The Arduino will be controlling the motors.So we require communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino, we will install rosserial, a ROS module that enables Arduino communication,...
  • Working with ROS

  • There are three ways you can control and code your robot. The easiest way was to connect the monitor and keyboard to raspberry pi to work with code. Something we would want to be able to do is to access the ROS communication messages from our laptop....
  • Running ROS node

  • Following instructions for building the motor driver on ROS melodic: cd ~/catkin_ws/src/ git clone cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make  After compiling the driver we are ready to start the new node: cd ~/catkin_ws source...
  • Software for the Arduino Nano & ROS connection

  • This assumes you have ROS and the Turtlebot3 software installed on the RaspberryPi of the robot. It also assumes that roscore (ROS Master) is a laptop/additional computer. To prepare compilation of the sketch using the Arduino IDE first install the rosserial...
  • Set up the software

  • You will need to connect to your CORE2. The detailed instruction is aviable at You will need to download hConfig to your mobile device and follow the instructions.---------- more ----------
  • Software

  • Software Install Armbian for Orange Pi from here: ROS kinetic echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" >ros-latest.list sudo cp ros-latest.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/...