
304 Results for "ros"

  • ROS VS ROS 2

  • Robot operating system 1 is awesome. Robot operating system 2 is also awesome. When we started the project we were new to ros, our previous project the weedinator implemented all the network plumbing , serial communication and control systems with our...

  • ROS Discourse Days are going through and the project is moving forward.  Even after the success of our initial tests, it was clear that more development was needed to be done in the algorithmic part. To get some help, there is no better way than...
  • ROS finally

  • In this project log I will describe how I got my distance sensor assembly to work with ROS and how I displayed the scan data using RViz. In addition to this project log I prepared a short video showing the distance sensor assembly performing a 360°...
  • New ROS package

  • See the ROS page at get the package directly at
  • Testing Lidar with ROS

  • I had installed my Open Simple Lidar to the old Roomba and tested it with ROS (including Hector SLAM):  Photo of the lidar installed at the Roomba: The left board is Orange Pi PC running ROS nodes (Lidar node, Roomba node, Hector SLAM).All robot...
  • ROS Navigation Requirements

  • Now that basic coordinate transform frames have been configured with help of URDF and robot state publisher, I moved on to the next document: robot setup page. This one is actually listed slightly out of order list item on ROS navigation page,...
  • ROS Navigation Stack Setup

  • Section 1 “Robot Setup” of this ROS Navigation tutorial page confirmed Phoebe met all the basic requirements for the standard ROS navigation stack. Section 2 “Navigation Stack Setup” is where I need to tell that...
  • ROS Integration take 2.

  • Hello again.ROS: Did I do this before?ROS: Robotic Operating System is a key part of modern robotic research. The glue that lets academics and industrial system designers package their work in a way that is easy to share and stick to other modules. If...
  • ROS Integration: Location

  • Hello! This is another dejavu post. We have already presented a system that used a camera system to located the robots. Since then I have gone to a large robotics conference (for an unrelated project), I took the micro robots with me and they were a...
  • Switch ROS video stream test

  • Switch running #Ubuntu #ros master/slave with an #UPXtreme and #realsense #d435 streaming video to switch and also running #champ#k3lso #quadruped #quad #robotics