The Toit platform is built on the free and open-source object-oriented Toit language, so we write applications in a high-level, memory-safe language and let the battery-optimized virtual machine execute them efficiently on your ESP32. Fast to develop,...
Driver for the DPS368 in written in Toit(lang) is "done" (it does what it should do but notevery feature is yet implemented) next step: soldering the ESP32 prototype.. I am waiting for the solder past.
We are assuming that you are already familiar with the Toit platform and have your ESP board hooked up with your PC and account. If not, refer to the Quick Start Guide from Toit. From the Toit CLI, you first need to install the driver for the SSD1306...
First, set up your Toit account and ESP32 device following Toit’s Quick Start Guide. From the Toit CLI, you need to install the pixel_strip library for the WS2812B LED strip provided in the Toit package registry. For that, in Toit CLI, open your application...
Toit’s VS Code extension has made it super easy to deploy applications to the ESP board on the go. Just navigate to your application directory, open the .toit/.yaml files, click on deploy/run buttons, select your device and you are done! See the output...
Hardware needed For this project you need an ESP32 dev board. Most dev boards with ESP32 will work just fine, but in this project the following one is used: In addition,...
Toit’s VS Code extension is used here to deploy the application to the ESP board. Open the application’s .toit/.yaml files, click on deploy/run buttons, select your device and the application gets deployed to the board. See the output on the VS Code’s...
Created by former Google Employees, Toit was a concept to make IoT Devices easily accessible, to monitor and control for enterprise uses. To simply secure the code on our ESP32 microcontrollers with lightweight containers and orchestrate them through...
In this article, we’ll have a look at Toit’s PubSub API and show how we can use it to control a small DC motor remotely. An N20 geared motor will be hooked up with an L9110s motor driver to control its speed as well as direction. A potential application...
1) Python API First, we’ll set up the Python program through which we’ll be sending the motor commands. Toit provides a publicly available gRPC API with API packages and examples for languages including Java, Python, and NodeJS. Follow the Python API installation...
In this article, we will develop a soil moisture monitoring system using an ESP32. In addition to the ESP32 board we will use a moisture sensor and an SSD1306 OLED display. The moisture sensor will send an analog signal to the ESP board. The board will...
PubSub API is quite similar to the MQTT protocol, which is highly used for IoT messaging. Just like MQTT, PubSub is also based on topic names. They define the topics using two conventions: device and cloud. The ‘device:’ prefix is to be used for intra-device...
Bluetooth Low Energy is a dynamic low-power, low-cost wireless technology that is designed to work in various industries such as healthcare, fitness, and home entertainment. It is independent of the classic Bluetooth technology and can coexist with other...