

Large scale remote control vehicle with belted differential

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This project is moving but not as fast as I would like. Trial and error have been, and I guess will always play a role. Parts, tools, and finances are the time consuming elements, however, the finished project develops much faster in my head. I have many images of the parts and accessories I have purchased this far but uploading seems to be a tedious effort. 

Once, I have this project on the road, I will begin the process of adding logic, camera, and robotic tendencies

  • 2 × Chassis 2 pieces carbon steel approximately 20" in length 3/16 thick. I started with 8mm standoffs from Harfington that were 208mm long. The original application for the standoffs were for glass structures. However, I applied the standoffs as chassis connecters which worked fine. Once I realized those standoffs were not long enough, I replaced them with four 1 foot long stress proof hex rods (7/16 w) that i drilled and tapped manually.
  • 2 × Axles For the drive axle, I used an 8mm round aluminum rod. For the spider axle, I originally used a 5mm steel round rod. Both axles are around 15 inches in length and have not been cut to size at the time
  • 9 × Gears 80 tooth 2mm pitch synchronous timing pulley 10mm bore, 2x 20 tooth 3mm pitch pulley 10mm bore, 2x 20 tooth 2mm pitch pulley 8mm bore, 2x 20 tooth 3mm pitch pulley 5mm bore, 2x 20 tooth 2mm pitch idler pulleys 5mm bore
  • 5 × Bearings 4x 8mm bore pillow blocks, 4x 5mm bore pillow blocks, 10x 8mm round bearings, 2x 8mm x 50mm linear bearings, 10x 8mm x 10mm x 10mm sleeve bearings
  • 3 × Structure 2x 1/4 x 3 x 12 inches 6061 aluminum plate, 2x 1/4 x 4 x 14 inches 6061 aluminum plate, aluminum tube 19mm inner diameter 25mm outer

View all 6 components


    addison.antoine7402/12/2024 at 03:21 0 comments

    I almost have the axle fully housed. There are still some specifics involved with that, but not very major. I have other plans for the top plate, but as for right now I just have it partially enclosed for testing purposes. Later, after I have it tuned up to par, I will do something different. I think I will be testing out the axle's performance this week!

  • Axle rebuild

    addison.antoine7411/17/2023 at 03:24 0 comments

    As you can see here, I replaced the 5mm spider axle with an 8mm. On the drive axle, I replaced the one extra long linear bearing with two bearings that I could lock together. This allowed me to prevent the buckling of the axles from the tension of the timing belts. I only put a couple of belts to show what was taking place. before I go further, I may take a little time to choose a brushless motor that would best compliment the project

  • Take it apart!

    addison.antoine7411/04/2023 at 15:21 0 comments

    Once I started to attach the components, I began to discover the problem areas. First, I realized that the 5mm spider axle could not stand up to the tension from the timing belts. Secondly, I realized that due to mixing different pitches within the differential led to different tensions from having different diameters. I anticipated this result, but it was just one of those things you had to see with your own eyes (trial and error). Thirdly, since designing an axle/differential requires separate shafts, the joining of the shafts were not satisfactory in that the solidity was questionable. With all things considered, different components have been ordered and as soon as I receive them I will put them to work

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