
World's Fastest 3D Printed BO Motor Wheel

Faster alternative to regular BO Motors.

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I am making mobile robots for a while now, but the one thing which is still not changed in my journey is the use of those slow yellow colored BO Motors and their boring wheels. So, I wanted to change it and this is why I came up with the fastest, compact, inexpensive and 3D printed BO motors which I think is an amazing upgrade for my upcoming robots which will make my robots go faster.

Please watch this animation to know what's inside the project

Checkout the speed of the wheel

If you are looking for detailed article, please checkout my instructable on the same topic


The is the mount of the wheel which will be used to connect the motor to any surface using screws.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 150.38 kB - 11/27/2023 at 16:43



This the main hub of the wheel in which motor sits.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 113.75 kB - 11/27/2023 at 16:43


  • 1 × BO motor wheel
  • 1 × BLDC Drone motor
  • 1 × ESC for motor
  • 1 × ESC Tester
  • 1 × Lipo battery

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