

E-Paper display, Arduino compatible/Shield conference badge

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miniature E-Reader that displays an image with low power and maintain that image with no power at all. We’ve employed them as conference badges where attendees used them to display personal information, company logos or the conference schedule

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Anil Pattni wrote 06/30/2016 at 06:08 point

Looks Awesome!

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Drew Fustini wrote 01/20/2016 at 08:07 point

My favorite badge ever! :)

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David-John Miller wrote 01/07/2016 at 10:21 point

I don't know if this project is still active, but i wrote a WIF image creator / editor in C# for windows using an image manipulation library and it's Open Source, no releases, as it's only really designed to work if you know it's going to crash every now and then.

Contributions are welcome:

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Anool Mahidharia wrote 01/07/2016 at 10:24 point

Hi, I'll ask Justin and Kevin (who work on the code) to check it out.

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Anool Mahidharia wrote 01/10/2016 at 10:53 point

Hi David, all of us at WyoLum use Linux so we aren't of much help trying out your Windows based Wif generator. We'll paste a link on our projects page so others can try it out. Thanks for whipping this up.

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yasha0x80 wrote 08/14/2015 at 10:09 point

is it available?

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jtrip wrote 01/03/2015 at 21:50 point

Hi Anool, I seem to have physically damaged my display panel. Is the display on the badger (received at OSHWS 2013) the same as or compatible with the ePaper 2.7 screen from Adafruit / RePaper?

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jtrip wrote 01/03/2015 at 22:24 point

Yes, to answer my own question... (I should have checked the site)'s amazing electronic paper display EPD (made by Pervasive Displays Inc.). A huge shout out to the generous support we have received from them. We simply could not have offered this badge without them.

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helge wrote 07/03/2014 at 23:22 point
have one of these displays lying around but coudn't bring myself to translate the arduino examples. Will have a look at the code.

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shamylmansoor wrote 05/04/2014 at 19:54 point
I've ordered one from SEEED Studio. Will be getting it soon. Will wear it to my department meeting, by putting in my original card as an image ;).

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Lordgren77 wrote 04/12/2014 at 23:52 point
Hi Anool, Imjust starting out as an electronics engineer @ ITT - Tech.
I like your project and would like further information on it for a school project.

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bmr_044 wrote 04/02/2014 at 21:49 point
How can i get this e-reader??

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stripeytype wrote 04/21/2014 at 17:38 point
These were given out as conference badges for OSHWS 2013

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andybrownri wrote 03/01/2014 at 17:48 point
Hi Anool, welcome to HAD Projects!

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 03/01/2014 at 02:07 point
We had so much fun with this one on OHS last year !

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Riftillionflux wrote 03/01/2014 at 00:01 point
cant wait to see this in action!

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