

Just hacking around...

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This user joined on 03/01/2014.

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frankstripod wrote 05/15/2014 at 14:57 point
Thank you for following my project! That phototransistor package is tiny. Thank you for the advice. It is hard to imagine an electrical engineering graduate that started hacking recently, I bet you have been doing it longer under my definition ;) Do you have any advice on making a cheap homemade breadboard?

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RodolpheH wrote 05/15/2014 at 17:42 point
I think you misunderstood my diploma : it's an Higher National Diploma in Electrical Engineering (ie. 2 years studies), i'm not an engineer. When I say "recently" it's because I had lots of ideas but I've started hacking for about 5 months so that is my definition of "recently" ;). For the cheap homemade breadboard, I've got some ideas that could be not so cheap (it's depend of your definition of "cheap") but I'm thinking about adding a new project to HaD Projects where I could throw the quick design i've just made right now and bring some people to share ideas about homemade breadboard (perhaps with more features than a simple breadboard). For now, I've created a small git repo (kicad files) :

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frankstripod wrote 05/15/2014 at 20:27 point
Thank you so much! That is a lot of work already for my little comment! My problem now is the “spring loaded sockets” for plugging in and out components repeatably. My current project solution is to glue together female headers (32 of 1x40 2.54mm through hole sockets) to make a 40x32 solderless breadboard that can accept socket jumper wires on the bottom, without adding the thickness (or cost) of a PCB. I look forward to working with you and will follow your project on GitHub! :)

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AmarOk wrote 03/19/2014 at 09:23 point
Merci pour le follow de GLaDOs.
Et en passant, sympa le projet Raspberry Pi - Home Automation & Cloud

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RodolpheH wrote 03/19/2014 at 16:40 point
De rien, je suis un grand fan de la série Portal et ton modèle est vraiment chouette ! Je suis pressé de voir ce que ça donne une fois peint et monté ;)

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