

A project log for Locomatrix - 3D POV - a different approach

Let's use some rotary to linear movements to display things in 3D. I have no idea if this will work, but hey, I'm gonna try it anyways...

davedarkodavedarko 05/20/2014 at 13:582 Comments

This is just mezmerizing! There are some movements my project could benefit from..


frankstripod wrote 05/20/2014 at 16:46 point
I love this video. I am trying to be selective on who I follow and comment with, but you always come up with the stuff I like. This video is a hint of Earths secrets lost to a generation wanting to put a microcontroller and webcam in every light switch in the world. (Not that I don't love microcontrollers, as long as there is a mechanical override.) I really like the “seven bit counter with reset” at 1:16 in the video. Now I need to put the robot I have been wanting to build back on my project wish list again, as if I don't have enough on my plate. I don't know if I should to thank you, or stop following you :)

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davedarko wrote 05/21/2014 at 07:13 point
This Video found me, I wasn't searching for it, it just popped up somewhere on a blog! This seems to me almost as a lost art and I think I will get more into mechanics and mechanical computing after my projects are done (... I feel with you when it comes to new projects and trying to focus on only one) I promise I will not spend to much time on, as I noticed that it became a really big distraction from work ;)

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