
Selling boards online

A project log for Power Monitor

Non-intrusive feedback loop for electrical systems.

jlbrian7jlbrian7 07/20/2014 at 12:240 Comments

When I started this project I said that I intended to sell the boards online, and I still intend to.  The hold up has been taking the time to figure out how much shipping should be, ordering packing materials, and having a build that I am comfortable distributing. 

I am almost to the point of calling v1 complete, and I have a good idea of what I want to see for v2 to call it complete.  These I see as hobbyist boards or boards for people with more advanced skills but not a consumer product.  I have an idea for a v3 that will lose the arduino foot print and will use the hlk-rm04 instead of the electric imp.   

v3 is going to take more time to develop because the hlk-rm04 is completely new to me and what I want to see from the system I have in mind is more complicated, but in the end should be a drop in embedded system that is capable of being used in a number of household/industrial applications.

Long story short I hope to start selling v1 and v2 boards late this winter. 
