
Getting Started: Electronics Mounting

A project log for Vintage Parallax Robot Restoration

Got a neat little Parallax robot from a friend of a friend who passed away. Gonna revitalize it with my Beaglebone Green & SLAM Navigation

avrAVR 10/24/2016 at 03:350 Comments

So tonight I decided to start cracking at this robot project. So what I did was make a custom bracket for mounting the Beaglebone Green, and a breadboard to the robot. Its a simple part that is fully 3D printable. I designed in it OnShape and the STL file will be in the files section of the project page. This part can be used for just holding a Beaglebone and a breadboard in place too so I made a project page jsut for it also: . Anyways this is only the start theres more to come for software electronics and of course more 3d printed addons!
