
Code update: Improvements from gesture branch

A project log for Neotype: Haptic Computing

Communication platform: Text can be felt, as it is expressed

paulbeaudetPaul_Beaudet 06/25/2014 at 21:300 Comments

Okay, going to be honest and say that integrating multiple input types with each other is a bit complex to implement. (long hold & double & rocker)  Moving on to other things until that complexity is justified. I'll think of a better way to demo non-printables like arrow keys. Double clicks and rockers may be problem with fast typist anyhow. Although did some experimenting with "rocking" words together like "the" and found that it would be possible to produce words like "the" in one motion. Unfortunately my test implementation took a degree of expert timing that made it harder to make successful chords.

Took the improvements from issues caught in the process of testing double clicks and merged them to master. Going to switch the focus to connected applications to change the pace. Will attempt a function that fetches the time from the web, and another that receives short messages, sms if possible. 
