
No More Back Pain.

A tinty wearable posture correcting badge with vibration or smartphone alerts.

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Tiny wearable posture correcting badge

Features :
feedback by virbrating mini motor disc
feedback by mini speaker (magnetic buzzer) or by BLE with some interaction via smartphone
battery is a rechargeable coin cell
rechargeable by native PCB USB
fixation by magnetic pin back
power switch push button
motion sensor (example LIS3DH triple-axis accelerometer)
processor arduino compatible programmable by IDE (Atmega series)

User Experience :
1- Attach the badge to clothing.
2- Sit with good posture.
3- Press a push button to set currentAngle as targetAngle.
4- Do math to compute slouchAngle.
5- Compare slouchAngle to preset value.
6- Vibration alarm if the angle is exceeded.


  • 1 × circuit playground from adafruit for the Proof Of Concept

  • It should look like something like this (BLE capabilities)

    TheThirdMan07/20/2018 at 17:21 0 comments

  • UX Updated

    TheThirdMan07/20/2018 at 17:16 0 comments

    Here is the new UX after collecting feedbacks:


    1- Attach the badge to clothing with a square magnet.

    2- Sit with good posture.

    3- Tap to wake up the board that is in deep sleep mode and it set currentAngle as targetAngle at the same time.

    4- Do math to compute badAngle.

    5- Compare currentAngle to set badAngle value.

    6- Buzzer playing nice alert sound (PCM audio) if badAngle is reached 

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volkodavova82 wrote 04/14/2024 at 09:27 point

The primary goal of seeing a pain doctor is to alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life. They work with you to manage your symptoms effectively and help you regain function and mobility

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