
Dwalin enclosure work

A project log for Home environment monitor

Yet another wireless network of environmental sensors in a home

tundraTundra 02/04/2019 at 11:550 Comments

I've been working on cobbling together the enclosure for Dwalin. It's not nearly as clean and tidy as I'd like.

Showing here, I've got the clear cover taped off for the portion of the OLED that will show through once I spray paint the case glossy white. While masking this out I discovered that I seem to have a 128x96 OLED panel as opposed to the 128x128 that I ordered and is silk-screened on the back of the PCB. When in native rotation, it's 128 wide, 96 tall. When in the rotation I need it's 96 wide and 128 tall, however my x coordinate in u8g2 starts at 32 (if I start at 0, it draws off the left edge of the display). The reason I think it's really 128x96 is that in the 96 pixel dimension it is centered within the glass. If it was damage, I would expect it out be off center.

Marking out the inside for where I'm drilling holes for phototransistor and NeoPixel 

Not shown are hole in the back for routing 3 conductors for furnace interface and incoming power and one on the side so my BME280 gets to sample ambient air outside the enclosure not just the air within.

Haven't done much firmware work other than coding around my 128x96 limitation.
