

A project log for Home environment monitor

Yet another wireless network of environmental sensors in a home

tundraTundra 02/19/2019 at 11:560 Comments

I'm not really happy with what I've done for enclosures so far, and the more iterations I do the smaller I'm getting things so I've been thinking about getting a small run of PCBs done, which in turn makes me think more seriously about finding and enclosure to actually size the PCB to. So I picked up a set of Hammond 1551V enclosures from Arrow (I couldn't find any on Amazon).

9V for size check comparison - I have a hard time with picking items from photos that have no reference.

The ESP 8266 just fits on the size 1 (40x40mm) enclosure base - I wonder if I can get a BME280 in with it - but even if I did Im sure self heating would spoil the measurements. Ori just fits on the size 2 (40x80mm) base. I think with a custom PCB it would be comfortable and have enough room to put an insulating barrier to have the sensor breakout isolated from the heat generated by the microcontroller. I do think it would take a bit more work but may be possible to shoehorn Dwalin v3 into the size 4 (80x80mm) enclosure.
