Designer's General Notes

Several odd practices have been incorporated because the author is experimenting:

  • USB is run both to the connector and to the PCIeX1 card-edge connector, thence onto gasp a ribbon cable bus. Jumpers R14e and R15e may be removed to route solely to the uUSB connector
  • Vias poke through the silkscreen on the back: It's for information, not for production - it suits this use case.
  • The PCIeX1 card-edge connector is bastardized for use here. While some pins actually line up with the standard, most do not.

    The PCIeX1 connector is common and likely to be available for many years at mainline distributors.

    After that, available by desoldering-iron.

    It's also a rather pleasant and satisfying feeling to use this kind of connector.

Several units have been built and meet the author's uses:

  • One batch of bare boards was made at OSHPark
  • One batch was assembled at MacroFab

No warranty or fitness for a particular use is offered or implied.


This project is a derivative of the pyboard, originally developed by Damien P. George with changes made.

No endorsement of this project has been made or asked for.

(Frankly I just made this for my own ecosystem of things in my home lab).

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.