

A project log for 'Thor' robot with addons and GUI

Thor robot based on the author AngelLM

dannyvandenheuveldannyvandenheuvel 12/26/2016 at 23:262 Comments

First glimps of my new robot controller, psoitioning routine stepper motor, at the same time serial connection with nextion display at 50ms refresh rate!


Olaf Baeyens wrote 12/27/2016 at 01:44 point

You are lightyears ahead of me. :-) That control panel is sexy.

It is very interesting to also heard the Thor robot in action and see how fast it can move. Can it go any faster?

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dannyvandenheuvel wrote 12/27/2016 at 08:43 point

This was on 50rpm and it runs up to 300rpm on motor axis,motor needs 5.55 turns to compleet one revolution (gearing). Next test will be full control of motor.

So real rpm on video 50rpm/5.55=9.009rpm and max will be 200/5.55 = 36.03rpm theoretical.
This motor routine works simultaneously with other stepper motors.
Just adding homing routine.

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