
Portable Espresso machine

Final year project for Uni.

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Open-source hardware espresso machine is going to be built based on reverse engineering.

This project has been started from beginning of October and will be finished in April.

It is for the Uni. final year project and I will post the ongoing process of this project continuously.

Always open to your feedback. Thank you:)

FYP Final.pdf

Desseration for this project.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.66 MB - 05/12/2020 at 06:47


Laser cutting Housing.f3z

f3z - 1.97 MB - 05/12/2020 at 06:47


Pump housing.f3d

fusion - 328.42 kB - 05/12/2020 at 06:47


Grouphead holder.f3d

fusion - 74.50 kB - 05/12/2020 at 06:46


Grouphead cover.f3d

fusion - 48.96 kB - 05/12/2020 at 06:46


  • 1st prototype progression

    Yunseong Hong02/28/2020 at 18:09 0 comments

    28 Feb 2020

    Now, more practical progression.

    Here are some picture of those progression.

    The briefcase I have used on my project.

    CAD model of the grouphead holder, grouphead cover and pump holder

    Assembling (keep on working)

    Things to work on:

    1. installing the water tank / main board/ switch.

    2. complete making the first prototype.

    3. keep change the part which are not open source hardware.

    *4. thinking abou to even create my own briefcase to make the design more opensourced.

  • New important updates

    Yunseong Hong02/22/2020 at 15:30 0 comments

    This project is always open to your feedback.

    Please provide me you ideas:)

    22th Feb. 2020

    My new design is making a portable espresso machine.

    Firstly, I am going to put all the components into briefcase even using the original housing.

    Then, replace the original housing into 3d printed parts to make it open source hardware.

    I will comeback so with more progression.

    20th Feb. 2020

    Hi, came back from exam period and started working on the project again. 

    There are IMPORTANT updates of my project.

    The original plan for my project was making my own design of outer frame and then reverse engineering the control system with Arduino.

    However, due to  the University regulation it was impossible to modify the control system and then put it into the individual designed housing.

    So. now my plan is to focus on the housing design with using the original control system.

  • 17th Dec. 2019

    Yunseong Hong12/17/2019 at 21:55 0 comments

    17th Dec. 2019

    - The group head part was cut out from the original frame of the coffee machine and sanded. Also, the group head was possible to disassembled into three parts. Now it will be more easy to 3D model the group head part later.

    - The new CAD prototype is now being printed out from the Uni. workplace. However, due to the 10 hours limitation of printing time in the workplace, I have ask to print the bottom part of the design with 70% of the scale. Now, I got a confirmation email which allows to use the 3D printer more than 10 hours limit for my project so I am going to print the prototype tomorrow again.

  • Finally came back

    Yunseong Hong12/16/2019 at 15:08 0 comments

    16th Dec. 2019

    I have been sicked and also need it to focus on several different uni assignments.

    So, I couldn't work on the project for a while.


    - Working on CAD Modelling for the Espresso machine frame

        The USS Enterprise modelling was semi-completed last week, however, the design was complicated and also requires more than 80 cm big to fit in all the components into it. Therefore, I am working on new design based on Wallace and Gromit space ship. Due to the safety issues, the Uni might not allow putting a pump and a thermometer into the frame but I am still trying to make my design possible to combined.

    - Staring to think about the structure and code for the Arduino circuit and program.

       To address the high voltage (220v) used in espresso machine, the relay circuit seems to be required.

       For the Safety issue, I am planning to discuss my project with Uni. technician

    - Disassembly was finally done this week

       The inner structure was not that complicated so it took me about one hour to disassemble it.

    - 3D printing is planning to be done this week

  • USS Enterprise + Espresso machine

    Yunseong Hong10/30/2019 at 19:09 0 comments

    30th Oct. 2019

    Current Idea

  • Project updates

    Yunseong Hong10/30/2019 at 18:19 1 comment

    30th  Oct. 2019

    Request an order for an espresso machine (Model name: EC685)

    Reasons for choosing this machine:

    1) Super Compact Design (will be more capable to installed into my new design)

    2) Coil Design Thermal block (more compact than boiler & more efficient than other thermal blocks)

    3) 15 bar pressure (Requirement for good espresso)

    4) Easy to find a replacement part from online (Opensource hardware project requires easy access for purchasing parts)

    28th Oct. 2019

    I had a discussion with my supervisor because of feeling overwhelmed by this project.

    I have realised that I was trying to achieve too much things from 6 months so re-aimed my project.

    Current aims:

    1) Reverse engineering an espresso machine.

    2) Modify the existing controller by Arduino.

    3) Redesign an unique design espresso machine. (Currently thinking about spaceship)

    3) Install each parts into the redesigned frame.

    Frame design thoughts:

    26th Oct. 2019

    Started to do some Arduino practice and now planning to do it once a week.

    First practice: Learn how to control sever motor.

  • Current Status

    Yunseong Hong10/29/2019 at 08:40 0 comments

    Current working on
    1) Doing some literature review to get background knowledge about all related topics such as coffee, espresso machine, Arduino and opensource.

    2) Learning how to use Arduino board base on using starter kit.

    3) Brainstorming about the design of the frame of the espresso machine.

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