
1.7 Open House Prep with Lighting Goodness

A project log for Obtain.Today

API drive vending machine.

matthew-potterMatthew Potter 07/09/2014 at 14:040 Comments

So there is going to be an open house at the place that I’m building this out: 

MakeLab @ Makeworks. Since we have a laser cutter, we threw together a front panel containing some of the logos of the space that have been helping and added some buttons.

Teddy from Makeworks installing the buttons

After the buttons were on, I started on batch creating what I need to make the modular motor backs. I need to make at minimum 4 more before I leave and hopefully another 4 before the event.

After wiring the door up for the first 8 buttons, I had an extra line coming in from the 10x ribbon so I ran a 3.3v and added some rotating colour LEDs for flare.

And finally, I ripped out the existing power cord and just used an extension (for now). I was going to add a computer power supply but the one I have from my old media centre PC wouldn’t even turn on. Connected the extension cord to the Arduino and now it’s self sustaining.
