
Quick mid week update

A project log for The UFS4057ES - A 4 bit ALU / CPU Build

Building a small computer with an EEPROM brain.

dave-collinsDave Collins 04/28/2022 at 02:270 Comments

I've uploaded some new files: New logisim design, which includes a slightly updated register control.  Additionally the files that correspond to that EEPROM and finally a new schematic including the ALU module and a quick and dirty layout and PCB for a regulated breadboard power supply, from Circuit Digest. I plan to do a full build and reflection entry as soon as I have PCB's at hand; this will include a video with a part by part soldering (if you like that sort of thing ).  The PCB is very simple, Cheep and effective and its far and away better than my current hot wired USB cord and transformer set up. Hope to have some exciting news (well for me at least ) to go along with that next segment.  By weeks end I should be cutting jumpers for the ALU, the rom's burnt perfectly so hopefully if the build goes fast I can do some actual tests with the accumulator.
