
1.- Introduction

A project log for Night Light Control + PID Battery Charger

PWM Signal Charging the Battery of a "Night Light Control" by Using a PID Controller

guillermo-perez-guillenGuillermo Perez Guillen 04/03/2022 at 04:140 Comments

As main goals, I have two things in mind:

Applications: “Night Light Control” in our home, business or even on public roads or “Street Light Control”. It can also be used to charge 3V, 5V and 12V batteries.

STM32F407G-DISC1 Configuration

STM32F407VG board

STM32F407VG board

Complete schematic diagram

As we can see in the schematic diagram, this system mainly performs two functions: first it´s dedicated to charge the battery, and once fully charged, then turn on or off a lamp by means of a LDR light sensor, if it´s at night turn on the lamp and if it´s daylight, turn it off. 
