
04/22/22 - More Space Woes, and USB Awesome

A project log for Hot End Board

Custom board for the hot end of a 3d printer

daniel-graceDaniel Grace 04/22/2022 at 17:260 Comments

I printed a PLA version of the mini afterburner just to inspect the dimensionality in my hand (PIF parts are still coming, I won't USE the PLA version), and I realized there's a different place I can mount the board that is both better and larger.


But it's still ridiculously tiny. Pictured is the board, the main chips that are needed on the board, the connectors needed (more on that in a moment). Not pictured are any capacitors, resistors, actual routing lines, crystals, etc.

It's not going to fit. There's no avoiding that, I have to find a different way. Or only support the larger vorons, but that makes me sad.

In better news, I have been lamenting that I need power delivery (of either 48 or 24 volts, more on that in a future log) and USB. That's at least four cables, and it'd have to be either a custom cable or two cables. Ick!

I just ran across a newer USB spec that is apparently used for things like MacBooks. I knew that devices negotiated with hosts already for things like speed and current up to 500mA (from the original default of 100). I didn't know that the laptop charging stuff had gone so insane. You can negotiate all the way up to 48V, in 100mV increments. You can also draw up to 240W. Now, that adds cost with very specialized USB chips, and I'm not even sure how many chips like that are available to someone as small as me.

But the dream of having just a USB cable to connect the hot end to the main board, AND having it not immediately blow up your device if you're dumb enough to plug your phone in ... is feasible??
