
Anycubic Wash And Cure 2.0 Silent Mod

The stock driver is too loud. Let's quiet it down!

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This should have been a straightforward project. Basically, this is a turntable with a lamp on it that uses an A4988 Allegro stepper motor driver to spin your print or the rotor around. However, the configuration and the rough voltage pulses generated by the driver cause the entire machine to resonate, making it constantly howl. (You can only listen to the off-tune do-re-mi-fa-so-la-si that vibrates the whole desk for so long)
By using Trinamic drivers, this issue would've been solved.

The process involves removing the A4988 IC from the board (either by severing the connection closest to the chip or using hot air to lift the chip off) and then tapping off of the logical voltage connections on the board (refer to the picture below)

Red is the 5V logic voltage that should never be connected to 12V (DO NOT tie this to the 12V rail. This will fry everything on the board.)

Orange is the direction, yellow is the step signal, magenta is the Enable pin, teal is the 12V motor power connection and green is the microstepping configuration (which in this case is just set to 1/16 step mode)

Both Reset and Sleep pins are disabled through the resistor.

Strangely, both NTC and fan connections are present but never utilized.

While you're at it, you might want to tape the buzzer so it's quieter.


1. Remove the A4988 chip. We are not going back so you can even mill it off if you don't have a hot-air station.

2. Acquire AT2100 stepper motor driver module. It is essentially A4988 with bits of TMC2100 mixed in.

3. Either using a StepStick Protector module (like I did) or with a small circuit board, connect the module as shown below.

4. Set the motor current to around 700mA.

5. Button the unit back up. If you want, you can solder the JST connector you salvaged from the board where it is marked for ease of maintenance.

6. If everything went well, the unit should perform identically with reduced noise level when running in Wash mode.

Note: It is recommended to add 470uF/1000uF electrolytic capacitor to the 12V input.

  • Update

    Torbjörn Lindholm07/11/2022 at 15:09 0 comments

    So, apparently "AT2100" is the only "silent" driver that works without completely modifying the firmware of the board. Everything else will make the motor stutter and seize up.

  • Info dump

    Torbjörn Lindholm06/01/2022 at 03:53 0 comments

    The front panel uses TM1638. The first 4 scan segments are used for the numbers and the colon mark, and the rest is used for the LEDs.

    The encoder wheel seems to be wired directly to the MCU with pull-up resistors.

    The connection:

     ^ Tab ^

     1: VCC (5V)

    2: EN2 (Encoder Right)

    3: EN1 (Encoder Left)

    4: GND

    5: DIO

    6: CLK

    7: STB

  • Oops.

    Torbjörn Lindholm05/26/2022 at 01:26 0 comments

    I forgot that SMPS have their earth connected. I forgot to turn the unit off while soldering, and I think I fried a pin on the main IC that happens to be crucial for the stepper motor to function...

    Now the unit will not function, period. Only the timer display works. I'm beyond angry with myself right now.

    I guess I could program a 3D printer board to stand in for the (relatively) obscure ST Micro MCU, but... :(

    The new board is in the mail, so I will try to make the best of this situation.

  • An unexpected problem

    Torbjörn Lindholm05/25/2022 at 17:42 0 comments

    Weirdly, at any current limit settings, the motor will start to spin, then stop. This works fine on the Cure mode (which worked fine on the A4988 too), however, the crucial Wash mode doesn't work. It only goes up to a certain speed, then stalls and vibrates. I tried everything and it's already 3AM, so I'll try again tomorrow.

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