
yss with Three.js and OSD

A project log for oiyshTerminal

Local server collection of IoT system with some additional futures. Works by default offline, based on .deb .npm .pipy

yoyoek1yOyOeK1 01/13/2023 at 03:070 Comments

In my opinion evary instrument or display should have OSD. I'm from times where smart TV was when it was showing program name or it have teleprompter. :) 

ySS with Three.js is on another level !

Since last post mile steps in:

- t4y.putText - osd in progress.. O it can do also :P fov of camera detection nice aligning cb|lt|rt|lb|rb ciach :) 19:03 :P

- t4y.getHtmlAfterLoad no more ott arg.

- Fixing subPixel section to update on resize screen. >600: 4; > 500: 2

- Fixing camera swaping system. When glb have "Camera" t4y is trying to swap to it. All is loaded async so there is a problem what is current in use. Shader done.

- spliting three4yss.js for more files. DONE: T4y_putText, T4y_shadersDefs, T4y_shader, T4y_ani

- Moving to directory per site structure.

- Adding libs directory to hold all libs not in main dir.

- Fixing new paths. Flow of ySS update to new paths :) system

- in t4y on load glb it check if there is no "Camera" coming from glb file. If is there should getting position from it. It's doing it but shader and orbit stopt work :(

Bem Osd has landed :)
