
7/15/23: mq135 and dht22 done. gps kicking my butt

A project log for Ohno Frobnosticator

An overambitious attempt at a full-featured "homemade laptop" style cyberdeck

madwilliamflintmadwilliamflint 07/16/2023 at 03:480 Comments

Been working more than writing about working.

A few days ago I got the mq135 air quality sensor and the dht22 temperature/humidity sensors running and pulling data on the same NodeMCU dev board, running the data with 1-second updates to an 0.96" oled.  Nice little setup.

Next up is the GPS.  I'm running a GT-U7 into its own NodeMCU.  Or I would be if I could get the damned thing to work.

I've tried everything I can think of, but it just reads nothing.  It's behaving as if I'm trying to pull data off the wrong pin.  Of course that may actually be the case as the NodeMCU pin numbers are still pretty odd, particularly when following a tutorial that's "almost" the same board.

But I'm plugging away.  GPS is critical functionality so I've got to get it done.  Tomorrow I'm going to bifurcate completely.  I've got additional sensors and dev boards I can use.  But I'd hate like hell to have to deal with heterogeneous arduino boards, especially when i get to the next stage of getting them to talk to each other over BLE.

Giving some thought to mounting.  I'll probably prototype the faceplate with cardboard and go with lexan or something for version 1.0.

Lots to do, but sadly not so much worth looking at right now.

This will get juicier, I promise ;-)
