
Security Enhancements

A project log for FindMyCat - The Open Source Pet Tracker

The only pet tracker you will ever need. Months long battery life, works outdoors and indoors. It’s Purr-fectly Empowered.

sahas-chitlangeSahas Chitlange 10/06/2023 at 03:100 Comments

Previously, I was using HTTP instead of a more secure HTTPS for communication between the FindMyCat iOS app and the FindMyCat Cloud. This was because of the time constraints as well as my limited understanding of SSL certificates. 

But thanks to the FindMyCat slack community's help and big thank you to Joe Bell for his guidance, I was able to get SSL working. I'm using Ngnix Proxy Manager to proxy to Traccar server for a specific hostname and adding SSL or external internet traffic using Lets Encrypt. 

TLDR; no more insecure HTTP calls 🎉
