
Buttons and sliders

A project log for VSTiPiano

A versatile stage piano with integrated VST plugin compatibility, offering advanced control and dynamic performance capabilities.

jan-bertJan Bert 09/12/2023 at 19:270 Comments

The 8 VST channels are controller with an illuminated button. To accomodate the limited space and meet my specific requirements, I decided to create a custom solution.

The same PCB is used for the 8 menu buttons on the left side of the LCD screen. These PCB's were manufactured in China. The quality is not always 100%, as you can see in the following image:

The traces where cut and corrected manually.

Another slightly larger PCB is designed to accommodate 8 sliders:

The PCB's are mounted with plastic bolts:

The PCB are mounted in custom lasercut 5mm acrylic. The buttons for enabling the channels are slightly larger than the rows on top. Their intended functionality is as follows for each channel:

The result looks pretty neat:
