
Getting set up

A project log for Custom Intellivision Controller

There have been many redesigns of the Intellivision controller. This is mine.

deftcoyotedeftcoyote 10/22/2023 at 02:350 Comments

Not a lot to report. I finally got all the chips and parts. I was worried about having to put away things when I wasn't working on them (my desk only has so much space for my projects), so I put together a working arduino trainer for building the controller. I just 3d printed some mounting brackets from for the breadboards. I'm pretty excited to start getting everything hooked up.

I'm also still tweaking the basic faceplate. I've printed several to get component size and feel close to correct. I'm currently on this iteration, which I'm sure barely looks different. It's actually quite a bit wider. I have been considering having the overlay holder snap on the front like the original, but I really like the feel of it being integrated as part of the controller.

Anyway, I'll update again once I have some things wired up and I'm testing.
