
Lessons from V1

A project log for Floatini V2 Nano

STM32 based High Altitude Balloon Tracker for LoRa

caleb-wCaleb W. 11/03/2023 at 23:020 Comments

The first attempt at a lightweight LoRa tracker was mostly a success, but there are a few things I'm going to change in V2. Most are fairly minor, but in the end I think all of them combined will make a big difference in the performance of V2.

For the most part, V1 is fully functional, and I plan on doing a test launch once the firmware is in a testable state. All things considered, I'm happy that the basic functionality of V1 is operational. Going forward, the main hurdle will be the telemetry protocol implementation, which is still very much proof-of-concept at this point. In the next entry, I'll go over my design process for Floatini V2 and how I arrived at each of my decisions. If this project piques your interest or you have any tips/suggestions, feel free to leave a comment or message me directly!
