
Truly modular

A project log for Modular Pi Cam

A Raspberry Pi based camera that can swap body parts and camera modules

jacob-david-c-cunninghamJacob David C Cunningham 02/22/2024 at 22:010 Comments

I had this thought... since there are different camera modules and the camera connectors are the same (22 pin) you would ideally make detachable camera modules... that you can swap like this.

I have to try one of those V3 modules... the MP count is high-ish... there are also the ones by Arducam... but yeah. The v3 modules have fixed types eg. normal or wide angle so that's where the swap would be nice.

Also I have the main body done so I'm just working on code now. I don't really feel like going outside though so I won't have outdoor images till next week maybe... the 8 MP camera I'm using now (v2 module) will probably be disappointing so idk... I may wait till I can buy/receive the v3 module.

But... those outdoor shots man... that orange.

Welcome to the family (A7X)

I'll just work on updating the code and getting that camera module 3. Then it'll be worth taking it outside

Oh yeah quick menu I put together
