Wheelchair users like myself can suffer from many health ailments resulting from poor blood flow and muscle stimulation from a lack of walking and movement.

                                       (scroll down for source links in the image)

This is a great list Ezzaddin put together of some of the health ramifications resulting from varying types of physical limitation.

TENS units use low-voltage / current electricity to stimulate muscles in the body.  This improves bloodflow and also can help relieve pain.

Inferential Current Therapy ("IFC") devices also work in a similar way, but are set to output at fixed frequencies of 400 and 4,000hz to travel through the body with less resistance, reaching deeper muscle groups.

Current budget market devices have various drawbacks:

Options for improvement are:

It will be interesting to explore what improvements can be made.  I'm planning to take apart my current TENS unit and reverse engineer it to learn more!

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