
Brushless Motor and Driver Business Card Kit

Learn how to build your own brushless motor and control it with a Brushless Biz Card!

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Designed for learning, this biz card kit guides your build of a brushless motor and provides the opportunity to experiment with control methods. Try delta and wye winding configurations and experiment with rotor and magnet designs as much as you want. The circuit is illustrated with test points on the front side, and the components are all placed on the back side.

I've had this idea in mind for a while and the Hackaday Business Card Contest is the perfect motivation to bring this idea to life. I'm in a frantic scramble to finish the design and get a board running before the close of the contest! 

Built-in schematic with illustrated test points 
Built-in motor with option to connect external motor and hall sensors 
Adjustable winding configurations via solder jumpers 
ATmega328PB - Arduino compatible (via USB-FTDI cable) 
Capacitive touch buttons (Mode, -, +, Select) 
SAO port for an SAO OLED, of course!

  • Brushless Motor Business Card Concept

    Andy Geppert2 days ago 0 comments

    This is the first sketch I drew to capture the concept on paper:

    My vision is to show the entire motor concept from the front side of the card, including the most relevant schematic elements. By having everything accessible from the front side, I can experiment and probe the different signals, along with making firmware changes, in one clean set-up.

    Next I started to think about the structure and placement of headers:

    Making the motor have an optional WYE or DELTA winding configuration through solder jumpers will allow even more experimentation. The winding configuration has the potential to change the performance characteristics significantly, so I wanted that option to be available.

    Additionally, I have found that having four buttons enables easy access to more functionality in the future, so that needs to be part of the design. Furthermore, an SAO port lends itself to expandability and makes it easy to install an SAO OLED, which I've been making and using recently. 

    Of course, more fun ideas start to flow. I'd like to have LEDs which indicate which coils are energized, and the polarity. Or maybe add LEDs to the rotor itself to visualize the pulses of current in the coils through inductive coupling?! These ideas will have to wait until I get the basic functionality enabled.

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marykayintouch53 wrote 3 days ago point wonderful post; continue your fascinating effort. 

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cassie2698bratt wrote 06/18/2024 at 06:31 point

This looks very much useful kit. I really like it. Impressive!

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