
Fargo Disc Golf Navigator

All 6 Metro Courses. 109 Holes. Local Open Android GPS Navigator App. Spanking New Maps and GPS Data!

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Sometimes everyone needs a little help finding the next hole.


Tap the Download the App! link on this page, then the Download button on the Google Drive page. Finally pull down the Notification Shade and tap the apk file to install.


Select the course you are currently on from the top bar, then the tee box or goal you are aiming for by tapping the buttons in the middle. Now just follow the directions to arrive at your selected location. (Pro Tip: If the number is getting bigger you are going the wrong way.) 

***** If the distance to the waypoint remains static your device is searching for GPS or it isn't turned on. *****

Bonus Features:

Measure distance of drive: Select current TeeBox then walk to disc.

Measure length of chip-in: Stay at disc release point then select made Basket.

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    Step 1

    Maps a How to:

    Collecting the Data:

    I used Google Tracks to collect my data because it was simple to use. Just start a recording then tap the thumb tack icon at each waypoint you wish to remember. Once you are finished recording all the points stop the tracker and export the data.

    Working with the Data:

    Next I imported the data into Google Earth; deleted the track, and the starting and end points. So all I had left were the waypoints. This is the data you can find in the assets folder of the app source code. But to make it more useful as map I added paths between the two waypoints of the same hole.

    Creating Paths in Google Earth:

    Click the path icon in the menu bar to change your cursor to the path tool, and open a path pop up menu. Just click the map once at the start of your path and once at the end. This will give you a nice straight line between them. Then in the path pop up menu select the measurement tab and check the distance in feet, and lastly select the main tab again and name the path with its distance. I exported all the Google Earth maps to KML and they are in the GPS Data folder.

    Graphical Representation:

    Import the KML files into Google Earth and change the settings until you are happy. Then either screen capture the image or print it to a file from your browser. These are the PNGs in the Maps! folder.

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    Step 2

    About the Code/Recycling:

    The code breaks down into mostly two parts. First the GPS portion which I lifted from a simple GPS sample. Second the parser for the KML files, and because KML files are XML compliant it's rather simple. I used the XML DOM Parser which I cobbled together from three different examples. Either of the two parts might be useful to someone by themselves. Or together as they are it could be used to guide someone along any list of consecutive waypoints, maybe an orienteering course or something similar.

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