
Dance Kit

Demo Flex Module project to provide wearable LED strip lighting with motion feedback and bioelectric monitoring.

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Circuit board is designed to fold in to a box shape or may be attached to light bracelets to wrap around the body.

This is a demo project for Flex Modules. There will be two versions - a kitchen sink design and a minimal one.

The kitchen sink (ECG) will include either the Pulse Flex Module or the ECG ADC Buffer and a Plessey sensor and 12-axis Flex Module along with an STM32 small Flex Module for on board signal processing. This version can track your vital signs and potentially notify friends if you aren't feeling well as well as load light patterns from your phone and change them based on movement. It now also has the option of reacting to ambient music using our MEMs Mic Flex Module.

The minimal design will be only a few Flex Modules and will load light patterns from your phone. It will utilize only the USB BiPower OTG and the 3dB BLE Flex Modules along with the 4P-RGB-Strip Flex Module to connect to the LED lighting.

All of these designs utilize a portable USB power bank for power. Most off the shelf Chinese power banks work. We will be testing a wide variety of off the shelf power banks and will make any recommendations on the USB BiPower OTG blog.

Any software related will be released under BSD or MIT license. SAAS or cloud based software will be AGPL.

Creative Commons License

  • 1 × nRF51822 BLE Flex Module Bluetooth communications
  • 1 × USB BiPower OTG Flex Module 10W USB power supply
  • 1 × 4P-RGB-Strip Flex Module LED lighting connector
  • 1 × 12 axis Flex Module Environment and position monitoring
  • 1 × STM32 small Flex Module DSP and additional pattern processing

View all 9 components

  • Adding a power switch?

    Chris Hamilton08/17/2015 at 17:54 0 comments

    We are pondering adding a power switch. Right now the USB connector powers everything directly. If we add a switch, it will need to be a DPDT for both 5V and 3.3V.

  • 10W limit

    Chris Hamilton08/17/2015 at 17:52 0 comments

    Until we can produce a USB PD or Quick Charge based power supply, our ability to drive lighting is limited to 10W per system.

  • Mic addon

    Chris Hamilton08/16/2015 at 08:53 0 comments

    In addition to phone based control, the design now accommodates a MEMs Mic Flex Module. This should allow the lighting to respond to any ambient music. We will have to see how well we can real time process the i2s stream, but it might be a good feature.

  • New layout design

    Chris Hamilton08/16/2015 at 08:50 0 comments

    We have reworked the design some so that the Dance kit can fold into a square or wrap as strap. This should allow it to fit into a pocket, fit in behind a lighting panel, wrap around a power bank, or become a bracelet.

View all 4 project logs

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