
LOKI 4G Overview

A project log for LOKI 4G (Locate Observe Krack Isolate) 4th Gen

This is version 4 of LOKI. LOKI is a pentesting payload piggybacked on a 3D printed Drone with machine vision.

tlankford01tlankford01 08/26/2015 at 06:240 Comments


Locate, Observe, Krack, Isolate

Industry Use:

Military/ Intelligence Use:

Advanced Design Techniques

Designed, Manufactured and Assembled with 100% Renewable Energy

Manufactured and Assembled in the USA

Custom Electronics Design and Placement

**All Photos, Rendering and Designs are wholly owned and produced by Aerial Vista and its parent company The Lankford Group. Any use without the express consent or license of the above named entities is strictly prohibited
