
A Real PDP-8/I

A project log for PiDP-8/I

Remaking the PDP-8/I using the Pi, simh & a replica front panel

oscarvOscarv 05/07/2015 at 22:315 Comments

Well, the front panel of a real 8/I. I can't even remember how long I wanted one. Today was a good day. An excellent day. An 8/I FP in perfect condition found its way home to me thanks to PDP collector and expert hb9aik (saying thanks once is not enough, so thank you!). Here it is, next to the PiDP replica:

This, of course, will spawn a whole new project: letting the PiDP code drive the real panel. But first, the PiDP replica needs to be finished. Risk of distraction :)


Howard Jones wrote 07/20/2015 at 08:38 point

A decent scan/model of one of those beautiful PDP toggle covers would be a nice start towards getting some new ones made. I love those things! (and finding a source for suitable toggles)

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Oscarv wrote 07/20/2015 at 09:11 point

You could take the SVG vector drawing from my site and overlay it on a photo from a real PDP-8/I. Then you'll see only two things need amending to make a full-sized original 8/I panel replica: (1) The bottom 'switch bar' lines needs moving a few mm and (2) the drawing needs the key lock of the original PDP-8/I added on the left-hand side of the panel. The rest is already an exact replica. 

The toggles can be 3D printed. 3D models are here:

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Howard Jones wrote 07/20/2015 at 16:45 point

Thanks! I've never had a chance to see these things up close and personal. I'd assumed that they were push-fitted onto the switches, but it looks like there's some kind of rail they clip to. Do you have any pictures of what is happening behind one?

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Oscarv wrote 07/20/2015 at 17:18 point

Have a look mid-way on this page, that's my version of the rail the switches are mounted to:!pidp-8-building-instructions/c19ll

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John Wilson wrote 05/08/2015 at 03:15 point

Looks good! I sent you a PM. I'm very interested in purchasing one of your PDP 8/I

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