
Distributed phone charging

Some people in developing areas have to walk miles and spend hours charging phones - Let's fix that!

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The cell phone revolution has outpaced the power infrastructure. Many working people in developing countries use their cell phones to organize their lives - but have to spend considerably more time and effort to charge their phones. We've all but standardized charging cables, but that only helps if a source of reliable power is available at home or nearby. What we need to do is standardize the battery - which would allow people to simply purchase a charged battery from a vendor or market, returning their discharged cell, or paying a deposit on a freshly charged cell. This works for Propane, why can't it work for mahs?

In phase one of this project, Intend to make available the plans for replacement shells for the most popular phones in the world. These shells will replace the current shell AND the area normally used for proprietary batteries, and will allow the user to run their phone from commodity, readily available, and easily recharged 18650 lithium ion cells.

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zakqwy wrote 03/12/2015 at 15:35 point

Hugely important--so many people out there that have to pay (and wait) to charge. Great project!

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