
RF Housing

A project log for EMDrive/satellite

Developing a small fuelless microwave thruster

paul-kocylaPaul Kocyla 09/09/2015 at 18:472 Comments

Jo is milling the housing/radiator for our new RF source.
We´ll have a heat dissipation of about 2 Watt, and we need a proper shielding, so a good housing is mandatory. You can burn your fingers on the ICs at nominal parameters (500mW output @ 24 GHz)


Update: Jo finished the housing/heatsink


willemstaal wrote 09/14/2015 at 10:32 point

Did you consider watercooling? You can get yourself a cooler master kit  for a pc for a mere 60 $. You can attach that to the panel..

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willemstaal wrote 09/10/2015 at 08:04 point

You can use thermal grease too.

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