
Software Released

A project log for EMDrive/satellite

Developing a small fuelless microwave thruster

paul-kocylaPaul Kocyla 09/28/2015 at 11:130 Comments

We just released the software viewer for our EMdrive measurements.

It can also export CSV files. Download it from the repository under "ChartViewer". There´s no installation needed, just run the EXE.
We included a set of frequency sweeps (100s duration each). More charts will come.

You can zoom and scroll within the chart. Pull a rectangle from topleft to bottomright to zoom, pull a rectangle from bottomright to topleft for reset view.
- Feature for the future: I will implement a tracker for the interferometer line at the top, this will make analysis a lot easier, but this will take some time, so I decided to release the software first.

I will upload the longer sweeps (600s) after work which possibly show some force at about 24.6 GHz.
