
Gateway progress

A project log for Home security

Home security project based on atmega and ardunio. MQTT gateway for data gathering.

vysocan76vysocan76 06/15/2016 at 13:560 Comments

I have all components at home and I started already some tests. There are good results and bad results as well.

I'm happy to say, that my UART mux is working as I wanted it to work. There are 2 UARTs on ATmega1284P, one is used for GSM modem and second for RS485. Both need to be connected to hardware serial in order to have queue, interrupts and other capabilities. But I keep compatibility with FTDI Arduino programmer, so I miss 3th serial. First I wanted to put jumpers to redirect serial 0 to GSM or FTDI, but later I have found nice little IC 74LVC1G3157 that is able to mux and demux one digital or analogue line to 2 outputs in both direction. With using the 3.3V present in FTDI it switches automatically from GSM to FTDI any time you connect the FTDI to header. Nice little trick.

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