
Early Design - the search for a keyboard

A project log for Raspberry Pi Laptop

I hope to build a cheap and versatile laptop that is run by the Raspberry Pi

paul-klompenhowerPaul Klompenhower 08/08/2015 at 22:300 Comments


Still in the early design stages. At this point I'm trying to find a keyboard suitable for use. I have a salvaged laptop keyboard, but it uses an unknown type of ribbon cable (to me at least). I found a thread that gave good insight on how to go about using a laptops keyboard, but at this point I don't know if there will be time to go about reverse engineering the cable. (I want to get the laptop working before classes start) So I have started hunting for ultra-thin wired and Bluetooth keyboards on Amazon. I would prefer to have a wired board as several reviews of wireless boards made note of the time required for the keyboard to "wake."

Aside from the keyboard I have found a battery suitable to drive both the display and electronics. If space permits I will likely add an additional 5V battery to charge and power additional peripherals.

I will update the component list as I find parts
