
Let Us Compost

"Nurture the Earth while keeping our cities clean”

Promoting the elaboration of rich organic soil from household organic wastes

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Solid waste management system (SWM) in India specifically in Aurangabad (City in state of Maharashtra) is very ineffective. There are lot of issues with collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste generated in households. Moreover, most of the public places are dirty like dumping yards. All the solid waste collected by municipal corporation is dumped outside the city which has created huge landfills producing soil, water pollution and insanity.
The main cause of these problems is unsegregated waste which is disposed and dumped creating landfills. However, 80% of it can be recycled/reused if treated properly. home composting is the most effective solution to this issue. Home compost unite made of three earthen pots with simple electronic circuit is used to convert all household organic waste into rich soil (Compost) which will reduce about 60% waste that is dumped at landfill. Users will get home made compost which can be used for gardening and farming.

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