
First PIC programmed

A project log for Brain transplant for K150 programmer

Cheap chinese programmer revisited

jaromirsukubajaromir.sukuba 01/07/2016 at 14:140 Comments

I ported sources for my Arduino programmer to fit K150 hardware. In fact, it wasn't that difficult, sources are written in C and the structure is quite plain and simple, so I only had to rewrite few hardware dependant functions, something like 20 lines of code or so.

I replaced the original MCU in programmer (PIC16F628) for new one - PIC16F1847 in temporary development socket (only needed for my development, the PIC will go directly into original socket after development)

did this single hardware mod

used the exposed ICSP connector on K150 PCB, wired target

and flashed with new firmware. After calling pp software it just worked, basically on first try

So now, this programmer supports what Arduino programmer supports, with with outlook of support for older PIC devices needing 12V on MCLR pin to switch to programming mode.

To perform this conversion, only PIC16F1847 with new firmware and diode hack is needed. More details in future project logs.
