
Say Goodbye to Java + RECON Video

A project log for ChipWhisperer®: Security Research

ChipWhisperer laughs at your AES-256 implementation. But it laughs with you, not at you.

colin-oflynnColin O'Flynn 08/14/2014 at 16:420 Comments

A few little updates. #1 is that I've gotten rid of the Java requirement in the project - I was using a file provided by the FPGA board supplier (ZTEX) for loading the bitstream. This was written in Java and a great annoyance, as it required keeping a whole extra program running.  I'm very happy to say that's been removed - the 0.07 release due out this week will have a native Python-based loader, but you can check out the git repo too. It now loads everything via the Python USB interface code (same one used during running), so it's a huge headache removed.

A video of my talk from RECON has been posted too, see a copy (MP4 format) here:

I can't seem to get the embedded version to work, so you've got to click that sorry. Appologies on all the 'ums' thrown throughout...
