
Twister and NanoEgg

A project log for NanoEgg Music Synthesizer

A powerful little music synthesizer with a classic look!

t-b-trzepaczT. B. Trzepacz 05/16/2016 at 09:320 Comments

So, the reason I haven't been posting a ton of updates here is because I've been working hard on my "Twister" MIDI controller (knob box) project.

Twister was originally conceived as the programmer / controller for the earlier version of the NanoEgg (before it had it's own knobs). I'm using my work on Twister to learn the ins and outs of dealing with analog control knobs on a digital device. The Twister boards and case were done, so I determined that I might as well complete it.

Twister is based on the Arduino Mega 2560, and there is a temptation to use that as a controller for the knobs in NanoEgg too. But I am learning that the resolution on the A/D is not so great, and it seems a lot slower than I thought it would be, so maybe that isn't a good choice after all.
