Quantity   Component name
1 × ATtiny85 OR ATtiny84
1 × 16x2 LCD display (I2C)
1 × 5v battery power supply (or whatever) I'm using a powerstick power shot that I got for free at SXSW
1 × Arduino Uno plus a breadboard, jumper cables, and a 10uf cap for programming ATtiny
1 × DS18B20 waterproof digital thermometer the one epoxied in a steel case WITH FOOD SAFE shrink wrap
1 × solder and hot glue probably...
1 × small potentiometer
1 × probably a 8 or 14 pin socket depending on which attiny
1 × piezo buzzer
2 × 2k2 resistors pullup resistors for i2c
1 × 4.7k-10k resistor for onewire pullup
1 × some wire, pins, sockets, etc. whatever you want