
Rev 2 PiHat ready for use

A project log for Qwicktrace PCB

A "smart" exposure table for small photosensitive PCB etching using Raspberry Pi 4 and LCD from SLA resin printers

joel-kozikowskiJoel Kozikowski 05/20/2021 at 21:130 Comments

I have updated the KiCad design, Gerber files, and build instructions on this page to reflect "Rev 2" of the PiHat board, which makes this build officially use the Sparkmaker  UV lamp.  The Rev 2 board now contains a 5 pin JST header that can be connected directly to the Sparkmaker UV lamp using the cable that comes with it.

The Rev2 board also adds two "expansion connectors": a single 3 pin JST connector, and an additional 2 pin JST connector for 5v continuous power.  These two expansion connectors  are going to be used in the upcoming CNC mill project that will help speed your DIY PCB fabrication even more!
