Quantity   Component name
4 × arcade joystick
48 × generic arcade button
1 × red backlighted arcade button used to simulate coin insertions and to play Simon Says
1 × green backlighted arcade button used to simulate coin insertions and to play Simon Says
1 × blue backlighted arcade button used to simulate coin insertions and to play Simon Says
1 × yellow backlighted arcade button used to simulate coin insertions and to play Simon Says
1 × switch used to put the Simon Says game in service mode
10 × labeled button used to select the difficult level of the Simon Says game, start it and control the emulator
1 × buzzer
5 × resistor used to limit the current the current through the LEDs and the buzzer
72 × 1N5819 diode
1 × Teensy++ 2.0 board
1 × HD44780 liquid-crystal display