Quantity   Component name
1 × iPad 1 LCD LG Philips LP097X02, 1024x768
1 × LP097X02 LVDS-HDMI bridge board http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/142067034423
2 × PAM8403 3W Class D audio amplifier sourced in quantity on eBay
2 × 3W 4Ω speakers local electronics component shop
1 × Raspberry Pi 0
1 × Zero4U USB hub for Pi0 http://www.uugear.com/product/zero4u/
8 × SPST momentary pushbutton switches, large eBay
1 × PCM2704 USB DAC eBay
1 × 16GB USB mini thumb drive for game storage
1 × 16GB microSD card for OS image
1 × plastic standoffs, various for mounting components
1 × 12V UBEC eBay, switching voltage regulator commonly used as a "Battery Eliminator Circuit" in multicopter builds
1 × 5V UBEC eBay, switching voltage regulator commonly used as a "Battery Eliminator Circuit" in multicopter builds
1 × 4x18650 Li-Ion battery case eBay
4 × 18650 Li-Ion batteries eBay
1 × 500x1000x2mm sheet of acrylic Laser-cut to form enclosure for components and protective "sandwich" for LCD module