
Torque from Micro Servos

A project log for Stubby the (Teaching) Hexapod

100% open source robot platform with accessability and affordability in mind: teaching children of all ages about robots & programming

the-big-oneThe Big One 04/09/2014 at 21:210 Comments

To keep costs down, I bought some cheap micro 9g servos from HobbyKing.  They have a torque rating of 1.7kg / cm or something... I figured it would be enough, as long as I kept the weight down.

Well, I was kinda correct.  However, I could not use the legs I had originally designed (a simple, yet long, thin 'insect-looking' leg).  While only 8 cm long, the servos were unable to keep the body standing properly without making all sorts of bad noises.  However, by reducing the legs to be shorter (about 3cm long), I was able to get it working quite well; plus, it was christened with the name of 'Subby'.

(And now, even my two year old will walk up to me and ask if I am working on Stubby... or 'tubby' as he says).
